Monday, March 9, 2015

Four Books on Order


Now and then you have to blow a hundred bucks or so on books. A Safari subscription at O'Reilly subscription can save you quite a bit on professional expenses, but at the end of the day, you often have to cough up some additional cash.

Today, the total was 4. One does not count: The Hydrogen Sonata, by Ian Banks. Pure entertainment.

So what does count? The following three.

  1. Hackers - Steven Levy. I am looking for support for my argument that the crypto wars never ended. The NSA would then be a continuing chapter in that game, as described very well by any Bamford work you would ever care to read. _Hackers_ is on my Safari bookshelf, but that is not the same thing as being able to refer to page numbers in the original edition.
  2. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching - Susan A. Ambrose. Widely acclaimed, and we damned sure need better methods of teaching security. Or any other subject, for that matter.
  3. Capital in the Twenty-First Century - Thomas Piketty. This book has already had enormous press, so I won't write much about it here. I will mention that I regard economics as a highly-politicizied proto-science, at best. But without bringing economics, in whatever state, into the mix, neither security practioners or researchers can really have much much effect. 

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