As the final Patch Tuesday nears, there is a critical vulnerability in Word 2003 SP1,
which is currently being exploited.
Look at the wrong RTF file, and you are pwned. This applies even if
you are just using Word as a viewer in Outlook. It was important
enough that Microsoft went outside their normal patch cycle. They
don't like doing this, so although they couched it in terms of
Microsoft Word 2010, stating that, “... we are aware of limited,
targeted attacks directed at Microsoft Word 2010. ” I rather
suspect the problem is either more widespread than this, or that
sensitive targets have been exploited.
Another critical issue is a flaw in
IE6. I have no information on this one, and I am too busy to dig
around. Possibly it is not yet being exploited in the wild, though it
would be madness to count on that.
My, My, How the World Has Not Changed.
Ample industry stories point out the vast numbers of systems still
running Windows XP. From enterprise code running behind corporate
firewalls, to small businesses that simply cannot afford to upgrade,
to home users who are not even aware that there might be a problem
running a 13 year old OS, there is a lot of WinXP out there. We still
do not do security updates particularly well.
Thirteen years ago I was at a Fortune
500 company, writing hardening scripts for HP-UX 11i (and probably
preparing for an audit by HP Professional Services), and more scripts
for Symark PowerBroker, doing quite a bit of Linux, and advocating
that the new Intranet (remember that term?) should not be rolled out
as an IE6-only service. In today's world, HP-UX is still somehow
hanging on (albeit by a thread), Linux has advanced to the point that
even Microsoft has to accept it, and organizations that deployed
those old Internet Explorer 6 apps are now facing the downside of
that decision.
In the final analysis, there is almost
no metric that shows any overall improvement in the security
landscape. Quite the reverse, actually. That doesn't mean that it is
impossible. It does mean that some triage is necessary, and how you
approach the problem matters as much as ever. Enterprises with great
security needs might invest in mechanisms supporting better
decision-making related to security trade-offs, but they will also be
subject to a broad spectrum of employees, including those hapless
home users still on WinXP, and unaware that there is a problem. Some
small business owners may simply re-partition a small network,
install a firewall and/or proxy server, and quite successfully get on
with things.
So, no. The world has not changed.
While there will be an uptick in the threat level, we simply need to
make more thoughtful decisions, and do some of the things that we
already know how to do, but haven't. To the extent that we get better
at doing that, any uptick in the threat level brought about by the
WinXP EOL might be considered a Good Thing. It was known well in
advance, and could be planned for; this was no Black Swan.
I Am Not Claiming This Will Have No Impact
It will. On a personal note, I was
planning to work this weekend (when it will be rainy) with the hope
of taking Monday and Tuesday off. When we might get our first
70-degree days of spring. This is Oregon; cold rainy springs are
common. I have a certain amount of flexibility, and would be a fool
to not attempt to make that trade. I would be a greater fool to
expect success. So, I won't be going far, and will have my phone in
my pocket.
Update 4/8/2014
In this case it ended well. It wasn't very difficult to prove a false positive, and there was a systems admin who knew pretty much everything about how a complicated system was put together.
You know that old saying, "There's one in every crowd?" It's always a negative thing, but it shouldn't be. Sometimes that one person is worth their weight in gold, particularly when things go all pear-shaped. If you are not making a solid effort to identify and retain that person, You Are Doing It Wrong.
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