Back in the hazy mists of time, when
dinosaurs ruled the earth, I used to warn clients that major
holidays, news events, etc., would increase attacks. It was actually
in my calendar to do it at the start of the winter holiday season.
That is no longer necessary; organizations possessed of competent
staff expect this.
I rather expect those same
organizations have evolved their strategies well beyond what I
advised in those ancient days. But let us dip into history for a bit.
Once upon a time, the American 4th of July holiday was a
predictable yearly low point in Web traffic. I do not know if this is
still the case, because I no longer track these data; only the least
sophisticated organizations do not already have these data already in
Does that mean that I have changed my
opinion from almost a year ago, when I wrote that We still fail at log analysis?
Not really, at least in a security
context. My experience continues to be that data is far more likely
to be retained and (far more importantly) analyzed on short time
scales, if it is related to sales, the efficiency of marketing
campaigns, correlations to external events that may indicate
sentiment shifts, and related matters.
It continues to be all about budgets
and perceptions, and the need to mount a business case in support of
arguments for security expenditures. This is in no way surprising.
A Bit of Speculation
Assume, for the moment, the following
- A low-traffic period may be about to
occur for many popular Web sites
- All adversaries are not sophisticated
enough to proportionally scale back efforts related to network
characterization, and related techniques, even if target (you)
traffic data are available to them.
It follows that hostile acts would then
provide a clearer signal against the noise floor of legitimate
traffic. The irony bit is set, in this case: your adversary is not a
Magical Being (Black Swans, APT, and other security hype aside) , and
is roughly as likely to fail at log analysis as you are. I would
speculate that as adversarial sophistication grows, and they more
resemble a traditional IT-like organization, the more likely they are
to themselves fail in log analysis.
Potential Exploits
'Exploit' has some obvious negative
connotations amongst members of the security community, mainly
regarding 0-day vulnerabilities, buffer overflows, etc. Sometimes it
seems to me that this term is forbidden (much like the term 'hacker')
amongst the security community worker.
Personally, I like it. It implies an
agressive, forward-leaning security posture. I do not favor passive
defense, because the record of that approach seems both clear and
unfavorable. That, however, is a matter for another post.
1. You are mostly likely to have
extensive data on traffic highs and lows.
2. All else being equal, favor
short-term enhanced logging when traffic is low. It's likely to yield
valuable information related to common threats, at minimal
infrastructure load.
3. Never assume that the data gathered
is the entire story. Always allow for the possibility that your
adversary is more clever than you, or that you have otherwise
underestimated your adversary. E.g. your adversary may have scaled
back network traffic to match your expectations.
3. Characterizing the effort required
at the 'most-easy' point is a valuable data point when building
business cases.
4. When everything goes pear-shaped, be
doubly sure that you characterize the response effort. This is a
tremendously hard problem, but the value is proportional to the
effort. If you get it right, any future risk analyst (who might
happen to be sane) will thank $DEITY for your efforts.
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